Wednesday, September 23, 2009

We're Getting A Divorce...Take Two

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Today was my court date to have the temporary restraining order turned into a permanent injunction. I dropped Marni off at camp in the morning and headed straight to the courthouse. After I parked my car, made my way into the building, put my purse in the basket to be scanned, stepped through the security threshold and found my way to my courtroom where I was meeting my lawyer, I was amazed at how much easier this process seemed to be than merely a week ago. When my name was called, we approached the judge's bench. My attorney made his request and it was immediately granted. Piece of cake!

What a waste of a perfectly good Xanax!!! Now if the rest of the day would only go this smoothly.

Dick and I decided that tonight was the night to let Josh know about our divorce. After all, Marni, my immediate family, ALL of my closest, not so closest, somewhat and extremely distant friends, and complete strangers knew. (I'm not quite sure who Dick told at that point) It seemed only fitting that our son should also be filled in on the news. When Josh finally came home--- after spending the day at work and dinner with his girlfriend---Dick told him there was something the four of us needed to discuss. So we sat down in the family room and Dick proceeded to go into a whole long spiel. As he rambled on and on talking in circles about things he's brought up ad nauseam over the years, nervously I smiled to myself as I realized that the ball was finally set in motion.

For the first time since I got married, (engaged actually) there is a light at the end of this tunnel. At this point, it's a very dim flicker of a light at the termination of an extremely long, dark, ominous tunnel, but nevertheless, it's faint glow is definitely visible!

Tuning back in to the conversation, I heard Dick finally announce that we are getting a divorce. Josh's response, "Congratulations. You two should have done this years ago."

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