Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Timing Is Everything

I believe that there are no accidents or coincidences in life. I also believe that everything happens for a reason and happens exactly when it is supposed to. So the fact that I filed for divorce the day before my son, Josh's 21st birthday must have some significance in the grand scheme of things. Right now, I don't have the foggiest notion what it could be. I'm sure it will all make sense when the time is right for us to know.

What I do know for sure is that Dick was trying to use what just occurred to his fullest advantage. As soon as the processor left, he turned to me and said, "This is the kind of person you are. You have to ruin Josh's birthday." Of course he made sure that Marni was standing right there and heard every word. I told him that I was forced to file for divorce today because he took all of our life savings and put it in an account in his name only. I had to protect Marni and me. I also told Marni that my attorney wanted me to make sure my kids know what their father just did. Dick continued without flinching, "I was told to take the money out of our account to protect myself from you." Seething, I prodded him by asking, "Who exactly gave you this wonderful advice?" When he wouldn't answer, I demanded, "Did your attorney tell you to do this?" Finally he admitted that his lawyer did recommend this.

With my blood percolating through my system and ready to expode out of every orifice, I told him that no reputable attorney would advise his client to take all the money out of a joint account and put it into one in his name only. I also made it clear in front of Marni that Dick and I were supposed to have a discussion at the end of summer to determine if we should get a divorce now or wait till after she graduates from high school. I wanted to know what his hurry was and why he had to be so sneaky and pull what he did. As usual, he twisted and turned the story around and put the blame on me. It was no use. It's impossible to reason with an unreasonable person.

Marni couldn't take it anymore and burst out crying. I tried to console her. She wanted to be left alone. She sobbed, "Nothing is going to change. You two have talked about getting a divorce for as long as I can remember. This will just keep going on like this for years." I told her that this time things are different because I filed for divorce and the process is started. This is no longer just talk.

As Josh still wasn't home yet, Dick and I needed to decide when the best time to tell him the news would be. For the first time in years, we both actually agreed on something. Both of us felt it was best to wait till after Josh's birthday to tell him about the divorce so he can celebrate this major milestone in peace.

There was no sense spoiling things for Josh today. He was having a great summer so far. In the fall, he will start his senior year of college. Over this summer break, he is fortunate enough to have a wonderful internship at a major corporation in our area. In addition to enjoying what he is doing, he has the added bonus of meeting a special girl who is also doing an internship there as well. They hit it off immediately and have been spending most of their free time together.

Like I said, timing is everything.

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