Sunday, February 14, 2010

A License To Move???

For quite some time, I've had my suspicions that Dick is planning to move out west. However, aside from my gut instinct, I really didn't have anything concrete to go on. Until now. The sign that I was praying for finally appeared. It was plain as day. Unmistakable. I'd even go so far as to say it was heaven sent. I get goosebumps just thinking about how this message arrived. Actually, it came right to my mailbox. Imagine that! Now that's what I'd call "special delivery." What else would an over-sized envelope addressed to Dick with the return address from the state medical licensing board where Juanita lives be?

Heart pounding wildly and thunderously, I wrote down the info from this governing body and quickly ran up to my computer to do a google search. "What should I do with this information?" was the question that began racing through my mind. It's clear that I needed to know if Dick is planning on picking up and moving out of state. He's one tricky guy and he has promised me repeatedly that he will leave me with nothing. It would be his style to quit his job, pack up and leave no forwarding information to avoid paying maintenance and child support. After all, his hair-brained schemes have worked up till now. Why should his luck change? He's definitely on a roll--- finding a wealthy physician who has fallen in love with him (or at least with the lifestyle she thinks he's going to provide for her) who lives in the city that Dick could see himself adjusting to very comfortably and finally realizing his dream of having a hard working woman who does well financially support him in the manner he's always dreamed of (or so he thinks). All his ducks were lining up very nicely. It's hunting season and he's going in for the kill.

With the belief, attitude and new-found guts that I have to do whatever I can to protect Marni and me, I decided to call this agency to find out if Dick is authorized to practice in that state. While the phone rang, I reminisced back to the call I made to Juanita. I wondered what the outcome of this conversation would reveal. Finally, I was connected to the department that handles his specialty. The woman introduces herself and I proceeded to ask if Dick has a license to practice there. Flustered she told me, "No." I then continued and questioned if one will be issued in the near future. Becoming belligerent, she queried who I was and why I was requesting this information. I told her the truth. At that point she became irate and told me in no uncertain terms to keep my divorce out of her office and never call back there again. I thanked her for her time and hung up.

After I put the phone down, I became outraged. How dare she speak to me like that. She was totally out of line. All she had to say was, "I'm sorry, but I can not give out this information."End of story...end of conversation. She didn't have to be rude or threatening. I didn't commit a crime by calling a government office for information. Nor did I try to cover up my intentions by claiming I was Dick's secretary, assistant, etc. calling on his behalf. I contemplated calling her supervisor and complaining about how she handled the matter but I decided to drop it, forget it and move on.

Obviously she didn't share my sentiment. That night Dick told me he needed to talk to me. I was in Josh's room with the door locked and had no intentions of getting into anything with him at that point. Then he told me he needed the checkbook. I opened the door to hand it to him. Immediately he started in on me. He asked my if I know what I'm doing. I responded that yes I do. He proceeded to tell me that he knows what I'm up to and I'm not going to get away with it. I began to think, "Was this woman stupid enough to call Dick and tell him about our conversation? Doesn't she have other things to do all day or other doctors needing her attention?" Apparently not. He continued his rampage with, "What you did today is now in the courts. One more phone call and you will be prosecuted." Of course, Marni was in her bedroom at the time, taking all this in. Like a broken record, whatever Dick asked, said or threatened me with, I answered expressionless and emotionless, "I'm not going to discuss this with you." While I sounded and acted like I was in complete control, inwardly I was a mass of quivering jello. He was standing in the doorway and wouldn't budge. I asked him repeatedly to move out of the way so I can close the door. Several times during our altercation, I became fearful that his anger would escalate, he would take things up a notch and become physically abusive. Fortunately after what seemed like an eternity, he realized that he wasn't able to make me go berserk this time. His efforts were fruitless. Finally he backed away and left the room. While his angry tirades scare the living daylights out of me, I do realize that what he was threatening me with was a bunch of bull. I knew without a doubt Dick was bluffing big time. Did he honestly think I'd believe that his attorney would drop whatever he was doing and run down to the courthouse to file a complaint against me because I asked a simple question of a government employee? Nevertheless, watching Dick go bonkers like this is petrifying. Looking into his sardonic gaze, I honestly believe he is the devil.

Totally exhausted but overstimulated from all the adrenaline deluging my system, I was unable to calm down and go to sleep. Another rough night in the Cohen house. I don't know how many more of these I can take before they start taking their toll on me. I wish I could pack my bags, get away from this hell-hole, unwind and enjoy myself for a few days. (Unfortunately, at this point nothing short of a month detoxing at a spa will do much good)

Literally, it would be a blessing if Dick is out of state, out of mind and out of my daily life. As long as he pays what he is supposed to, when he is required to, I'll be a happy camper. Who am I kidding!!! That is the last thing he intends to do. Trying to keep my fears, worries and concerns about how things will play out down the road from spiraling completely out of control, I repeatedly tell myself that everything happens for a reason; things will work out exactly the way they are meant to; and better days are coming. If I say this to myself long enough, maybe one day I'll start to believe it.

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