Friday, May 6, 2011

Sneaky Is As Sneaky Does

After this latest incident, my body was called into and admonished to stay in "high alert" mode for potential attacks. Unfortunately, as I was quickly discovering, this would be the new status quo for a very long time. The "enemy" was a constant in my home and in my life. Under the current circumstances, he was able to pounce whenever he felt the whim to spew out more of his poisonous venom. As the tension continued to escalate in our house, it was becoming crystal clear that these assaults would become more frequent, personal and vengeful.

A few days after Dick unloaded his "Graduation Weekend" agenda on me, I happened to drive past a country club in my neighborhood. As I was motoring by, the sign outside the facility promoting upcoming events caught my eye. In big, bold letters, an announcement for Mother's Day Brunch appeared. With everything going on in my life, I completely forgot about this upcoming holiday. I checked the date, did a double take and then my stomach lurched up to my throat. Mother's Day is the day following Josh's graduation. That's the day we would be returning back from the festivities. That is also the day that Dick decided he will be driving Marni home and spending the time with her. Coincidence? Absolutely, positively NOT! Dick had every intention of screwing me over!

Now I was majorly pissed off. He had so much damn nerve. It was only a month earlier that we met with the mediator. With her, we set up a holiday schedule to abide by while we were separated but still not divorced. The parameters outlined in this agreement stated that Marni would spend Mother's Day with me and Father's Day with her dad. Yet, Dick blatantly went against this and planned on being with Marni on MY holiday. How dare he be so bold, brazen and beastly. Knowing him as well as I do, I realized that he felt if I were stupid enough not to notice, then he will do what he wants and he would deserve to get away with it. If I would call him on it after the fact, then he would say, "That's your problem. You should have spoken up earlier."

So I needed to orchestrate a tactic that would cause him to reveal himself as the conniving piece of crap that he was while I avoided getting sucked into his ploy and losing control.

Later that evening, when Dick and Marni were both home, I sweetly told Dick that there was something I needed to discuss with him. With Marni in earshot, I explained that he must not be aware that Mother's Day is the day that he planned on driving back home from the graduation with Marni, otherwise I'm sure he would not have suggested it. (Definitely an Academy Award winning performance, if I must say so myself!) I continued that we will have to reverse the order. She would go with him and come home with me. He acquiesced and went to Marni's room and announced to her that there will be a change in plans. The two of them would take his mom out for Mother's Day the week before graduation, since Marni would be spending the day with me and they wouldn't be able to see his mom that day.

So this was what was going on here. Dick, not only wanted to keep Marni from being with me on Mother's Day, he was planning on the two of them celebrating with his mom.


Boy, am I glad I was able to get that out. It's not healthy to keep these things bottled up inside. I feel so much better now.

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