Saturday, May 7, 2011

Is It Really Time To Commence With The Commencement?

How could it be possible that Josh was graduating from college already? As often as I say this and as old as this is starting to sound, I don't know where the time went. I swear, it was only a few days ago that we (Dick, Marni, Josh and I) loaded up my car and drove off with everything we could possibly think of to keep Josh safe, sound and secure in his new home (so very, very far) away from home--- his dorm room. Since this road trip was several hours long, and since having a civil or pleasant conversation with Dick was about as likely as me being crowned Miss America, I had plenty of time to contemplate what was about to transpire. As we slowly made our way closer to the University campus. I couldn't help but think how Josh was about to begin a new chapter of his life in the "Big 10" world of academia and major partying. Would my little boy be able to handle all this? How would he cope? In all honesty, I was also pondering how would I be able to handle all of this? Would I be able to cope?

Fast forward to the present. My first-born adjusted extremely well to life as a co-ed. Not only did he survive, he thrived. (Basically I did okay too!) Four years ago we dropped off a young, naive kid who was deeply concerned about how he would adjust to this major life-altering experience at such a large, sprawling institution of higher education. Soon, we will pick up a mature young man--- a college graduate, full of confidence, with a new job and a bright future ahead of him. It's hard to believe this could possibly be the same person.

Or maybe I should really be wondering: Who is this guy..and what did he do with my son???

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