Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pre-Birthday Jitters

On Thursday, February 25, Dick left for a long weekend to visit Juanita. His timing was actually perfect. I was ecstatic. My birthday was the next day, Friday, February 26. With him going away, Dick unknowingly was giving me the best birthday gift of all---leaving me alone and being as far away from me as possible! Never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that this would be the best present I could possibly receive for my birthday. Finally something was going my way. I looked up to the sky and mouthed "Thank you." By mid-morning I was starting to relax and unwind. In the late afternoon, I was nearly floating on air until Marni came home from school and hit me with a bombshell. She told me that Dick texted her and said that his flight was canceled. If he couldn't reschedule to one taking off later that afternoon, he'd be home by 10:30 that night. "NOOOOOOO." I screamed silently in my head. I quickly got on my computer and checked American Airlines flight status. There were no canceled flights headed to the Valley of the Sun. The plane Dick was supposed to be on not only took off on time, it landed early. Something was fishy. All I could hope for was that somehow he re-booked on another airline.

My excitement was short lived. At 10:00 p.m., Dick came home... but his luggage didn't. The only thing that could have happened was that in between the time Dick got to the airport and before he was supposed to board the plane, he and Juanita got into a humongous argument and she told him not to bother coming to see her. I'm sure he checked his bag when he got to the airport and his luggage went out to Arizona without him. That was why he returned home empty-handed.

With Dick home, it was a given that he would do everything he could think of to ruin my birthday.

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