Saturday, July 30, 2011

The Main Event...Graduation

Recognizing that things weren't going exactly as Dick had hoped and planned, he quickly adopted a new approach to the situation. "Since we are staying at the same hotel (which undoubtedly kept him up all night wondering how that happened) and going to the same ceremony (which shouldn't have come as too big of a shocker), maybe we should all drive together to the campus," he attempted to reason with me as the three of us sat at one of the tables sharing breakfast (will wonders ever cease) that the hotel graciously provides to its guests. I almost acquiesced until we realized that two cars were needed after all. However, we agreed to meet at the stadium where the ceremony would be taking place and would sit together as the "one small unhappy dysfunctional family" we had become.

Amazingly, traffic was very light and I made it to the auditorium in record time. Surprisingly, when I got there, Dick's car was nowhere in sight. This was a big shock considering that we left the hotel together. I couldn't imagine what was taking him so long. Usually he's very competitive and would have gotten there way before I did... just because he always had to be the first and best at everything. I was also floored to discover that the parking lot was basically empty. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I actually had the luxury of time. So just like Goldilocks testing out all the goods in the Bears' humble home, I leisurely began "trying out" numerous spaces to determine which would be the ideal one to be in when the graduation was over and the mass exodus of proud families would be attempting to leave the grounds. Finally content with the one I claimed close to an exit, I made my way over to the building's main entrance. At that moment, Dick and Marni drove up. The three of us went inside, took our places at the beginning of the line and waited for over an hour in nerve-wrecking, stone-cold silence until the staff finally opened the doors and let the stampeding crowd in. As the saying goes, "The early bird gets the worm." Since we were among the first to arrive, we were able to get great seats. An aura of excitement began percolating throughout the stadium as the commencement ceremonies were nearing commencement time. A plethora of announcements, pictures and info began flashing across the jumbo-tron. As the center filled, the reality of the moment settled in and a surge of emotion overcame me. My baby was graduating college. Where did the years go? When did I get to be so old? What would life have in store for me now??? When the band started playing Pomp and Circumstance, the tears started welling up in my eyes. While the faculty and the graduates began marching their way up the aisles, the floodgates opened up and I did what Oprah refers to as "the ugly cry."

Damn. I hoped I wasn't making a fool of myself. I looked around me and noticed that several other moms were also wiping their eyes. Must be a maternal thing, I tried to reason with myself. However, while the majority were quietly shedding tears of joy, I enviously realized that mine were an uncontrollable, mixed-up, conglomeration of joy, fear, pain, depression, anger, sadness and loss. Trying not to draw too much attention to myself, I focused on the meaning of the morning.

Quincy Jones delivered the graduation speech. He was quite interesting to listen to.
Every once in a while, he made references to his dear friend, Oprah. Being a major Oprah fan, these endearing comments brought a smile to my face and lifted my spirits. Dick, on the other hand was reeling and had a scowl on his face because anything that brought me joy made him miserable. Just the thought of that made me happier and happier. The simple things in life really are the best! With that in mind, I settled back and enjoyed the experience. After the ceremony, we found Josh and proceeded to take "his and her" family pictures. Since Josh didn't share with his frat buddies that his parents were getting a divorce, it was painful and obvious that something wasn't "kosher" with us. Unfortunately, under the circumstances, this graduation was more bitter than sweet and poor Josh had to suffer the consequences.